Software |
Software is any set of machine-readable instructions that directs a computer's processor to perform specific operations. Software contrasts with computer hardware which is the physical component of systems. Software includes computer programs, libraries and their associated documentation. The word software is also sometimes used in a more narrow sense, meaning application software only.
Software written in a machine language is known as machine code. However in practice, Software is usually written in high-level programming languages that are easier and more efficient for humans to use than machine language. High-level languages are translated, using compilation or interpretation or a combination of the two into machine language. Software may also be written in a low-level assembly language. Assembly language is translated into machine code using an assembler.
System Software is designed to operate and control the computer hardware and to provide a platform for running application software. Systems software can be separated into two different categories (1) Operating systems (2) utility software. System software includes software development tools like a compiler, linker or debugger.
Application Software is a set of programs designed to permit the user to perform a group of coordinated functions, tasks and activities. Application software cannot run on itself but is dependent on system software to execute.
List of Software
- System Software
- Application Software
- Device Drivers